Manufacturing Talks
There are millions of cool stories in manufacturing. Your host, Jim Vinoski, helps share them by talking to the people who are making them happen. Manufacturing is where the rubber meets the road. There's no hiding. You're either making good products people will buy for enough to keep you in business, or you're not. Meet the amazing folks who thrive in that survival-of-the-fittest world.
Manufacturing Talks
He calls it "the silver tsunami!" Colin Dowd from Armanino on how to address the workforce challenge
Unless you've been hiding under a rock for a few years, you know we're facing a big problem getting the talent we need. And industry is in a particularly dire state.
That's why it was so valuable to have Colin Dowd join us for Episode 131. He heads up strategy for manufacturing and distribution at Armanino, one of the 20 largest independent accounting and business consulting firms in the nation. He's been warning people in industry and transportation about the "silver tsunami," the giant wave of our most knowledgeable people who are retiring en masse as we speak, and he's got some great suggestions on what we ought to be doing about it. Here are some highlights:
5:00 - Armanino: a top 20 accounting and consultancy company
6:30 - the workforce problems we're seeing now will only get worse
7:00 - next five years, almost every Baby Boomer will be retired
14:20 - time to start making succession plans for all levels and all skills
16:00 - an important part of the solution: mentorship programs
21:30 - back office opportunities
25:00 - expanded recruiting and its tie to skilled trades and second chance candidates
And there's a whole lot more too! Tune in for the whole thing.
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